Delhi High’s softball team earned a much needed win over Southern Athletic League rival Denair High Friday afternoon to improve its league record to an even 1-1. Just two days after dropping a one-run loss to Mariposa High in the seventh inning, the Hawks beat back the Coyotes 7-2 to set up must-win matchup against Waterford High on Wednesday.
“It was a really important win,” Delhi head coach Tami Tella said.
Delhi scored two runs in the first inning, three runs in the second inning, and notched two more runs in the fourth inning before allowing a pair of Coyote runs in the seventh.
Senior Bianca Nunez was responsible for four of her team’s seven runs as she scored two RBIs in the first inning and two RBIs in the fourth. Junior Briana Lopez provided the Hawks’ other three runs with a double in the second inning.
“She’s always kind of been our clutch hitter,” Tella said of Nunez.
Lopez was also a major contributor from the mound as she pitched a complete game in which she allowed only two hits and struck out 13 batters.
“She threw a good game, she moved the ball well, and she lasted seven innings. That’s a plus for me,” Tella said of her pitcher.
One of Lopez’ two allowed hits came at the end of Kendra Park who hit a seventh inning triple to cross two of her teammates.
Denair and Delhi are now both 1-1 in the SAL as they prepare for their next opponents, Le Grand High and Waterford, respectively.
“Considering Waterford’s defending champions, I expect them to do good things,” Tella said. “It’s definitely a must win just to keep our momentum moving forward. To beat Waterford would be a huge boost of confidence for my girls.”