Turlock Scavenger Company gets (the) bid to take over waste management garbage routes in unincorporated areas. These unincorporated area residents get a lowed monthly rate. Can you believe it? Their rate (of) $20.92 (falls) to $18.65, that’s a savings of $2.27.
One would think the residents living in the City of Turlock would be getting a rate decrease of some kind. WRONG! I pay $25.10 per month and would be happy to have even that $2.27 per month savings. Over a year’s time that would be a savings of $27.24. Residents of Turlock wouldn’t you like that $27.24 per year? It’s not much but every little bit, helps!
One would think the residents living in the City of Turlock would be getting a rate decrease of some kind. WRONG! I pay $25.10 per month and would be happy to have even that $2.27 per month savings. Over a year’s time that would be a savings of $27.24. Residents of Turlock wouldn’t you like that $27.24 per year? It’s not much but every little bit, helps!
Dave Manchester