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We need your books
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The citizens of Turlock are fighting hard to get "Yes on T" passed, Save Stanislaus Libraries and all of  Turlock will benefit if the measure is passed. Make sure you get out and vote. Even though there is no formal opposition we still need you to mark your ballot. Not voting will allow the measure to fail.

The Friends of the Turlock Library has relied on individuals to donate their unwanted and used books to our collection, a substantially large number of books we set out for our annual January book sale. This sale accounts for much of the budget for the Friends of the Turlock Public Library and every year books have been generously donated like clockwork making our book sales a huge success.

This year is different. The books have stopped coming in. Whatever the reason we cannot pinpoint the cause. What we do realize that with no books we can have no book sale and with no book sale we will have no funds and with no funds we will not be able to financially help our own Turlock Public Library.

So a plea to the citizens of Turlock and outlying areas. If you have books you don't need, books that are gathering dust, books you have read far too many times and are taking up valuable house space, please contact us. We need your books. E-mail:


— Brooks Judd

Board Member/Advocacy/Friends of the Turlock Public Library