A low-cost spay and neuter clinic is needed immediately in our town of Turlock. There are abandoned and feral cats everywhere, on the street, in the neighborhood, in parking lots of shopping areas and restaurants.
They are starving and multiplying rapidly and it can only get worse. We need to take responsibility immediately and do the right thing. I do not like to think of thousands of cats being euthanized and cremated every year when there is a better and more humane solution.
I know some of the veterinarians offer what they consider a low-cost spay and neuter program but it is still way too high for people to afford. We need the support of the community, including our veterinarians and animal control to all work together to round up these cats and take them in to be fixed and released back into the community (catch, fix and release program). We need a low-cost clinic that charges very little or nothing. There is a constant flow of abandoned cats dropped off in my neighborhood and I get them fixed if I can catch them, and, no, it is not easy. Even at $25 (includes rabies shot), which is what Alley Cat Guardians in Modesto charges, it is a hardship on a fixed income, but I make myself do it because I care and we all have to care. A special thanks to my wonderful sister, as she takes the time and trouble to help me transport them there. We all need to contribute in one way or another and work together to control this huge problem.
In L.A. they have such clinics for zero charge because they care about their community and they do not want to keep euthanizing cats. It is wrong and I cannot even imagine how anyone can work in a shelter when this goes on. It must cause so much guilt and remorse. We have to stop it.
Surely, it must be less expensive to simply get these animals fixed. In time, the cat population would be reduced and at the same time, there would be a better quality of life for these precious little creatures. Let us join together and get a low-cost or no cost clinic. The Turlock veterinarians have to know what a problem this is and I will be calling them and getting their input. We need a clinic like Alley Cat Guardians right here in Turlock. The townspeople and merchants surely must feel as bad as I do to see starving little kittens near their establishments. Please do not close your eyes to this. Please, let us all work together to correct this issue.
— Judy McClellan