I had the opportunity Thursday night to join members of the community to listen to a guest lecture by Bill Strickland, who is the founder of Manchester Bidwell, a national center based in Pittsburgh, PA. Bill’s moving story of changing the lives of kids gives hope and instills confidence. Over the years, Bill has helped adults in transition as well as at-risk youth that are found in the most predominately poor areas. He has guided them and created dignity in areas that weren’t common. Bill is the first part of a five-part lecture series which include other guest lectures hosted by EMC Health Foundation under the leadership of CEO Jefferey Lewis and the beautiful Carnegie Art Center ran by Lisa McDermott.
I was so impressed and inspired with Bill Strickland and his message that I hope that our community can look at programs like his and find techniques to implement his proven message. Bill did a TED Talk Video on YouTube in which he discusses how you can rebuild a neighborhood with beauty, dignity and hope. Great video to check out. I am excited and I look forward to the next lecture of the series, I hope you are too.
— Supervisor Vito Chiesa