Steven Nascimento, running for re-election to Turlock’s city council in District 4, is the best candidate for the job.
First, Steven is a clear and vocal advocate of good governance. In 2014, he proposed an ordinance that council members not vote on issues that could directly benefit contributors to city council candidates. While the vote sadly failed – notably with Ms. Bublak’s lack of support – Steven showed how transparency is crucial in a functioning democracy. As most Turlockers remember, the effects of dirty money were on full display this past year during the unnecessary and divisive farmers’ market controversy.
Second, Steven supports Safe Routes To School which help keep Turlock’s roads safe for children who walk or bike to school. As a parent, I want to know that our city council supports the wellbeing of our children as they travel to school, and Steven has been a reliable supporter of making sure that our streets and roads are safe for all users, including children.
While it’s always good to have choices in an election, the choice this year is clear: Steven Nascimento is the best candidate for the job.
— Gerard Wellman