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Small tax, big benefits
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Since its founding the American Association of University Women has been dedicated to promoting educational opportunities for all.  For the past 100 years the Stanislaus County Public Library system has played a vital role in
providing those opportunities in our community. 

AAUW strongly supports voting “Yes” on Measure T on the June ballot.  In 1994 the voters of Stanislaus County had the wisdom to pass a 1/8 cent sales tax dedicated solely to funding the public library system.  This small tax, which amounts to about $20 per household per year, provides 87 percent of the funding for all the libraries in the county.  Now it is time to renew that tax. 

Extending the current tax will not cost anyone 1 cent more than they are currently paying but will protect our libraries from deep cuts and even closures.  While the measure has widespread, bipartisan support, it does require a 2/3 majority to pass.  Don't depend on someone else to ensure that Measure T passes.  Please join me in voting Yes for Measure T.
— Mary Giventer, president, Turlock/Modesto Branch AAUW