In case you don't know yet, Stanislaus County Fair is NOT having a Christian artist come this year to do a concert at the fair as they have in the past few years. Certainly it can't be because the performances by Christian artists have been poorly attended. Actually it is the opposite. When the Christian artists have come, the Christian community packed the place out and many followed up by letting the fair people know how much it was appreciated and what a blessing it was to everyone.
Their answer this year? "Well, we had some hard decisions to make this year and there are a couple of local Christian bands playing." Surely we will honor these "local" bands but I also hope we let the Fair board know our disappointment in them NOT supporting a Christian artist and choosing to spend the money on another secular band or secular artist. Poor choice as far as I am concerned and I think the fair board will realize it in time.
I guess I'll save my $12 admission fee-or something like that. Thankfully I heard about the Merced County Fair having "The Afters" just over a week ago. We worshiped and were blessed by the message, the fireworks, and enjoyed the 5$ admission fee to the fair. Thank you Merced....
Everyone I have spoken to so far in regards to this has the same response, "That was the only reason I went to the fair. I guess I won't be going this year." The "reason" being that they went to the fair specifically to hear the concert by a well-known Christian artist.
— Kimberly Bailey