At this time, I very much wish to thank the Turlock Journal for their front page coverage concerning the loud concert at the fairgrounds on July 23.
As each decade moves forward, there is a definite lack of consideration for others being passed on to each current, contemporary generation. This lack of consideration for others helps to inflate selfishness in any individual, then it can lead to anger, hate and even to murder — as we see more and more taking place throughout our nation. When we are not on guard these attitudes are very capable of infecting our community. We individually can't prevent this from tearing down our nation, but as individuals we can monitor our own behavior and then the behavior of our community. Then, with caring hearts and minds, we can let our community leaders be made aware of not compromising good, honest and caring decision making.
If any group wants the liberty of conducting their own expressions, whether with music or otherwise, their consideration for the liberty of others must come first. Our city leadership must always weigh when approving or disapproving that their decisions do not put our community in bondage.
— Joe Silva