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Howze understands our Valley


Recently mailboxes have been inundated with deceptive mailers suggesting that Dr. Ted Howze does not have Republican support. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Local Republicans in this district have consistently demonstrated and reaffirmed their support for Ted. 

What is frustrating is that the National Republican Party, the Californian Republican Party, Devin Nunes, and Kevin McCarthy think that they know better than the Republicans who live here. They haven’t gotten the message that Ted is our candidate. Having volunteered on the Howze campaign for little over a year, we’ve found him to be standing on the right side of every issue about which conservative citizens care. He is a strong supporter of protecting Social Security, legal immigration, improving healthcare, water for the Valley, Pro-Life, and Pro-Second Amendment. 

To further add to our frustration, as constituents of this district, both my wife and I have tried to make contact with McCarthy and Nunes to ask for their support for Ted Howze but haven’t received any answer.

Ted is an outstanding candidate who understands our Valley issues and needs all the support we can give him to defeat Josh Harder, remove Nancy Pelosi, and stop the radical socialist agenda.

— Reed and Kathy Russell