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Howze has real solutions


I recently saw an ad, paid for by Josh Harder, that embodied every complaint I have about politics. Dishonest, disingenuous, it dripped of fear-mongering. The ad deceitfully edited mere seconds of phrases spoken by Dr. Ted Howze, candidate for the 10th congressional district, from an almost hour-long interview, to suggest that Dr. Howze was endangering Social Security for seniors.

If you listen to the entire interview, or even just the context around each topic, you'll find that Ted Howze was looking for ways to save Social Security with a path of viability and sustainability. At no time did Ted ever suggest that those who had earned their Social Security retirement not receive it.

As one who contemplates retirement, I understand the need to ensure protections for my future, and while I wouldn't be one of those asked to delay my earned benefit, to think that waiting a few additional months could help preserve the legacy of Social Security would be a step that I would take.

For Harder to have paid for a fear-inciting ad that falsely claims Ted Howze wants to increase the retirement age to 70 was a gross and deceitful misrepresentation of everything that Ted was saying in that interview and that even the host acknowledges in their discussion.

After watching that ad, one thing I know is that the sickness I feel over politics as usual won’t find its cure with our incumbent congressman. It is very clear that for him the truth is inconsequential – there is the truth and then there is Josh Harder. 

As for me, I'm looking for someone with real solutions, someone who can fix our problems, and someone to heal America- that someone is Dr. Ted Howze, and it is for him that I will be casting my vote.

— Rob MacLeod