As President of the Sikh Temple of Turlock I am very pleased to support Amy Bublak for Mayor of Turlock. Amy is a person of high character with a great work ethic who epitomizes the family values we embrace in the Sikh community and works every day to make life better for all Turlock residents.
I have watched Amy consistently oppose tax increases, stand up for City employees and work to stop the plan to double water rates for all Turlock residents. As a retired police officer, with over two decades of meritorious service, Amy has been an advocate for public safety working with our police and fire chiefs to keep Turlock residents safe.
Turlock is facing serious challenges including: addressing the homeless issue, rebuilding our police department, fixing our roads, stopping a huge water rate increase and remaining fiscally solvent. With over 10 years of council service, her law enforcement background, and her history of community service, Amy is the best choice for Mayor, City of Turlock and I encourage you to vote for Amy on Nov. 6, 2018
— Sukhminder Deol