The Young Eagles Day at the Turlock Airport is approaching meaning children can abandon their toy planes for the day in order to tour real aircrafts at the City of Turlock’s municipal airport.
“I think it’s a great way to give kids a chance to have fun and learn more about aviation,” said City of Turlock Parks, Recreation, and Public Facilities Superintendent Erik Schulze.
The event is made possible through a partnership between the City of Turlock and the Turlock Regional Aviation Association, who are furthering the mission of the Experimental Aircraft Association Young Eagles Day program. Since 1992 the Young Eagles program has afforded 1.8 million children between the ages of eight to 17 the ability to enjoy a safe flight and learn more about the aviation industry including career opportunities in such positions as pilot, air traffic controller, and aircraft mechanic.
“It’s a great opportunity for young people to have their first actual flight with pilots,” said Shulze at this month’s Parks, Arts, and Recreation meeting.
At the free event kids will be able to tour aircraft carriers, perform a pre-flight check with the pilot, and even head into the cockpit to don the pilot’s headphones in order to hear directions from the air traffic controller. Participants will also be able to enjoy a remote control airplane display, make crafts, and play in the bounce house. Food will also be available for purchase.
The Young Eagles Day at the Turlock Municipal Airport will take place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sept. 27. The airport is located at 13605 Newport Road in Ballico. Participants are encouraged to register ahead of time to ensure a slot either from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. or 12 p.m. or 4 p.m. and can do so at the City of Turlock at 144 S. Broadway. Day-of registration will also be available.