Westside Ministries in Turlock will continue to power on in their mission to provide local youth a safe space to spend time after school thanks to a $25,000 donation from the Kiwanis of Greater Turlock.
The Kiwanians presented the check as a surprise during a tour of the organization’s facilities on Monday evening.
“I'm kind of floored,” said Westside Ministries founder and director JoLynn DiGrazia. “It was so unexpected and amazing. It's so helpful because we have to depend upon anybody whose heart is moved, so it's a game changer. I can sleep tonight.”
Westside Ministries serves approximately 400 children a month with after-school tutoring programs, Grange clubs, dance and music classes and church groups. They also provide meals for students enrolled in their programs.
DiGrazia explained that there is a great need for donations so that staff can get paid and that the growing number of local children needing meals can get fed.
“The main thing right now is that I can pay the staff and that we can run the kitchen because we're feeding a lot more people,” she said. “A lot more kids are coming in, whether they're homeless or their parents are going through some hardships. There's so many more homeless, hidden homeless now in our neighborhood.”
Several children from the Westside Ministries’ Center for Urban Performance and Service (CUPS) will be getting set to participate in the “Miss Poinsettia Contest” musical drama on Dec. 9 at the Turlock Community Theatre. Tickets, which can be purchased at www.westsideministriesturlock.com/cups-dance-music, are $10 and will also go towards funding the program.
The organization will also be collecting coats at their annual appreciation luncheon on Nov. 17, where Westside Ministries supporters can have a free thank-you meal to kick off the holiday season of giving.
Additional donations to Westside Ministries can be made at www.westsideministriesturlock.com/donate.