Horseshoe season is kicking off with the Turlock Horseshoe club at the pits in Crane Park. Horseshoe pitching is a sport the whole family can participate in, from adults to young children.
The Turlock Horseshoe Club is hosted by Paul Laffoon who has been involved with Turlock Horseshoe club for nearly 14 years.
The Turlock Horseshoe Club hosts six tournaments annually, once a month on Saturdays. As a part of the Turlock Horseshoe Club, members can participate in any of the Northern California tournaments.
There is a $32 season fee for adults over 18. Members must pitch 100 shoes to get a beginning average for rings to be placed in a group.
The Turlock Horseshoe Club has members of all ages, although most are adults.
“Our club has more adults, but we are trying to get more kids and cadets and juniors,” said Laffoon. “It’s an individual activity that appeals to every one of all ages.”
Turlock Horseshoe Club will host a tournament on May 5 at Crane Park. Sign-in is at 9:30 a.m. before the tournament begins at 10 a.m.