Turlock’s SupHerb Farms has long relied on the sun to grow the herbs and vegetables the firm processes.
Now SupHerb Farms is relying on the sun to provide electricity as well, as the company completed the installation of Turlock’s largest solar energy installation this week.
The one-acre solar farm, designed and built by Turlock’s JKB Energy, features 600 sun-tracking solar panels that will produce up to 325,000 kilowatts of electricity annually. The energy – enough to power almost 30 homes each year – will be used to operate SupHerb Farms’ administration offices, product safety and quality control lab, and culinary development kitchen.
“I am very pleased with our solar energy project,” said Mike Brem, SupHerb Farms president. “And, just as important, it accomplishes another objective in our sustainability strategy.”
Brem said the project will allow SupHerb Farms to do their part for the climate and to help protect precious natural resources.
The cutting-edge solar installation, with real-time power generation monitoring, took about five months to complete. Brem declined to state the cost of the installation, but said the development was a “strategic investment” made possible by Turlock Irrigation District rebates.
“Our electricity provider, TID, is on the cutting edge of energy sustainability and helped to make this investment possible,” Brem said. “We are now generating a portion of TID’s renewable energy and will receive an economic benefit from TID for every kilowatt of electricity we generate for several years.”
While it’s still early for the power plant, Brem said the development was meeting all of SupHerb Farms’ expectations.
Given the early success of the project, Brem hopes other businesses will follow SupHerb Farms’ lead and install solar projects of their own.
“We hope to be an example for other businesses in Turlock and will be happy to share our experience,” Brem said.
To contact Alex Cantatore, e-mail acantatore@turlockjournal.com or call 634-9141 ext. 2005.