Turlock Scavenger is proposing a one-time rate increase. Typical residential solid waste services will increase by 9.16 to 9.45 percent.
The last approved solid waste rate increase was 12 years ago in May 2003.
Furthermore, operational costs have increased for Turlock Scavenger due to fee increases at the Fink Road Landfill and the Waste-to-Energy Facility.
In order to protest the rate increase, a protest ballot must be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office prior to the close of the Public Hearing. Protest ballots submitted electronically (i.e. fax or email) will not be accepted.
In accordance with Proposition 218, the City must receive 50 percent plus one protest ballots in order to prevent Council from considering a vote on the increase.
A public hearing is scheduled for 6 p.m. Oct. 13 in the Yosemite Room of City Hall, 156 S. Broadway. The purpose of the hearing is to take written and oral comments as well as consider all written protests against the proposed increase.
Protest ballots may be received up to the close of the Public Hearing.
For questions or additional information, contact Municipal Services at 209-668-5590.