The entire community is invited to attend a ceremony on Monday to honor those who sacrificed their lives while serving their country at a Memorial Day ceremony at the Turlock Memorial Park.
The service will start at 10 a.m. at the memorial park, 575 N. Soderquist Rd., Turlock. Following the ceremony, an open house will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the American Legion Hall, 75 Bothun Rd.
This year Turlock Memorial Park will celebrate the 60th anniversary of its Avenue of Flags.
“It’s a show of respect for all the veterans who have served our country and all the veterans and loved ones who are buried here at Turlock Memorial Park,” said the funeral home’s President and CEO Lonnie Alvares.
Over 900 American flags will be placed at the cemetery this weekend, said Alvares, a process that started two weeks ago. Along with the 900 full-sized flags, local Boys Scouts will place over 5,000 flags on the graves of veterans buried at Turlock Memorial Park.
The Memorial Day ceremony, co-hosted by Turlock’s American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars posts, will feature speeches by representatives from both veterans associations as well as elected officials including Sheriff Jeff Dirkse, Turlock Mayor Amy Bublak, and Congressman John Duarte.
Annika Erickson will be singing the National Anthem and music will be provided by the Hilmar Community Band.
American Legion Commander Carl Lassiter said that Memorial Day is the most important day of the year for him.
“It’s because of these young men and women who didn’t come home that we enjoy the freedoms of the United States of America. It’s the most expensive holiday of the year because it was paid for in lives,” said Lassiter.