Turlock Junior High School eighth grader Kirpa Gill has been a member of Girl Scouts Troop #1731 since 2015. In her eighth year as a member, she has set her sights on the prestigious Silver Award. She is hoping to be one step closer to her goal of obtaining the award by simultaneously accomplishing another goal — giving the gift of warmth to those less fortunate in Turlock.
Gill will be hosting a coat drive tabbed as “Spreading Warmth in Turlock” from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 11 and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 12 in the Neto’s parking lot at 1318 N. Golden State Blvd. in Turlock. The event aims to collect lightly used coats, jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts, warm hats, gloves and any other winter gear for those of all ages. Items collected will be distributed to local shelters so that they can be handed out to those in need.
Gill explained that she was inspired to do a coat drive as one of her projects after her grandparents shared stories and photos of less fortunate folks in their native India struggling to stay warm.
“Last year, my grandparents traveled to India and shared pictures of certain areas in India where people were crunched up in shivers because they lacked warm clothing,” Gill said. “Thinking of those people is what inspired me to organize this coat drive. We forget how lucky we are when we have not one coat, but several coats in our wardrobe to choose from, and there are others who do not even have one coat to keep themselves warm. I want to make a difference one coat at a time and spread warmth in my community.
“Just as the saying goes, ‘charity begins at home.’ When you want to make a difference and help those in need, the best place to start is at home, locally, in your community.”
For more information on Gill’s Spreading Warmth in Turlock coat drive, contact (209) 613-7987.