My two kids Sonny and Sonia woke up one morning and told me they wanted to ask me to do something and said they would help if I agreed. They asked me if I would put lights up at our new temple so it would brighten up the temple for the holidays. I told them it was a great idea as long as they helped. Sonny would go help me with the lights for a couple of hours after I would get off work and Sonia would stay home and take care of my baby boy Sunil, who will turn two on April 1. We got the majority of it done but there is still a little bit more we will be doing to complete our task. I can proudly say both kids did their part and learned a good ethic on working and contributing time into our temple. Our Sikh religion also has a special holiday on Jan. 13 called Lohri, so the lights will stay up there to celebrate this special occasion. We wish everyone a great and safe holiday season.
— From the Uppal family