The Turlock Library will offer a variety of science-themed activities in April, along with its usual book clubs and craft events.
The library will continue its Maker Camp with an activity about physics set for 1 p.m. today. Kids will learn all about experimenting with variables while using rubber band cannons. Children will also make catapults using everyday materials. Space is limited, and registration is required. This activity is for ages 8-13.
The AARP Foundation will host tax-aide sessions at the library from noon to 3 p.m. today and April 10. Participants can receive free tax preparation assistance from IRS-trained AARP volunteers. Walk-ins only, as there is not an option for advance registration.
The Friends of the Turlock Library will meet at 6:30 p.m. today. Visitors are welcome to the monthly meetings.
A Maker Camp: Design Challenge activity will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday. Kids can imagine and build their own designs out of cardboard, design marble mazes, and design art pieces using a 3D pen! Space is limited, and registration is required. For ages 8-13.
Kids ages 12 and under can come to the library from noon to 1 p.m. Saturday and read to a dog. This program is designed to help children gain confidence in their reading skills by reading aloud to certified therapy dogs. Please register the readers online to participate. Space is limited.
The library will host a solar eclipse watch party from 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on April 8. The moon will pass between the sun and the Earth, briefly covering the sun and causing a solar eclipse, on April 8. There won't be another U.S. eclipse spanning coast to coast until 2045. To celebrate, the Stanislaus County Library and Modesto Children's Museum invite you to a special "watch party" outside the library to experience this natural phenomenon. There will be a limited number of solar safety glasses available so you can view the eclipse safely, as well as hands-on activities provided by the Modesto Children's Museum.
The Mystery Lovers Book Club will meet at the Turlock Library at 10:30 a.m. April 8. This month, the book club will discuss “Black Fall” by Andrew Mayne. As magician-turned-FBI agent Jessica Blackwood struggles to connect a series of seemingly unrelated, but equally bizarre and sinister, crimes she is forced to accept that only one twisted, brilliant mind could be behind them...and that the Warlock is planning one final, catastrophic act. The Mystery Lovers Book Club meets on the second Monday of every month in the Turlock Library Community Room.
The T(w)een Tuesday activity at 4 p.m. April 9 will be stop-motion LEGO creations in the Turlock Maker Space. Kids can build LEGO creations using the library’s blocks and bring them to life with stop-motion film. This program is designed for ages 9 and older.
The Turlock Teen Anime Club will meet at 3:30 p.m. April 10. Teens are invited to watch anime and make a fun craft. This month, the club will watch “Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear” (TV-14).
A Turlock STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) activity about mobiles will be held at 4 p.m. April 16. Kids can learn about balance and weights while practicing finger dexterity as they make mobiles. Feel free to bring any items from home that you would like to use. Geared for children under 8; children under 4 must have direct adult supervision.
The T(w)een Tuesday activity at 4 p.m. April 16 will be rubber band helicopters. Kids can explore helicopter air mobility by building a rubber band helicopter. This program is designed for ages 9 and up.
Visit the Turlock Library at 3 p.m. April 17 for Día de los niños, dia de los libros, or Children's Book Day. Celebrate children, reading, and our multicultural community at the Turlock Library. Stop by to pick up free books for kids during the event while supplies last. Los Luceros de Osborn Folkloric Dancers will make a special appearance.
The Turlock Chess Club will meet at 5 p.m. April 17 at the library. Whether you are an amateur, a master, or somewhere between, bring your board to meet and play against others for practice or friendly competition.
Learn to sew a reusable make-up remover pad at an activity being held at 1 p.m. April 19 at the library. Materials will be provided. If you want to upcycle an old washcloth, bring it along and make your make-up pad with an exfoliating side. This program is designed for ages 18 and up. Pre-registration is required.
Painless Poetry: An Open Mic Performance will be held at 2 p.m. April 20. Join Faith Delgado, 2023-24 Stanislaus County Youth Poet Laureate, in this final installment of Painless Poetry. Come show off what you’ve been working on these past months. Light refreshments will be served while they last.
Kids can create journals to house their stickers using cardstock and wax paper at 4 p.m. April 23. Stickers will be provided to kick off their collection. This activity is geared for children under 8; children under 4 must have direct supervision from parents or adult guardians.
The T(w)een Tuesday activity at 4 p.m. April 23 will be water bottle sticker journals. Kids can create a fun sticker journal to hold their favorite water bottle stickers using cardstock and wax paper. Supplies and stickers will be provided. This program is designed for ages 9 and up.
The UCCE Master Gardeners will host a seminar at 6 p.m. April 24 on gardening for pollinators. Honeybees get a lot of credit for pollinating flowers, but they aren't the only hard workers. Learn to identify the helpful pollinators in your garden and see examples of plants you can grow to attract them.
The Turlock Library will host a Board Game Day from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. April 27. Join the Central Valley Game Lovers for a day of board gaming. Try a new game or bring your own. Most games are recommended for ages 10 and up, but there will be games for younger players, too.
Kids can create unique art by searching their scribbles for objects or shapes at 4 p.m. April 30 at the library. Participants will use colored pencils to outline and color their shapes for a picture that will really stand out. Geared for children under 8; children under 4 must have direct supervision from parents or adult guardians.
A Tinker Tuesday event will be held at 4 p.m. April 30 in the Turlock Maker Space. Explore, build, and create. LEGO blocks, button maker, Makedo, and more will be available. This program is designed for ages 9 and older.
The Turlock Library is located at 550 Minaret Ave. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday; noon to 8 p.m. Wednesday; and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday.
To register for specific library events, visit: