As the Turlock Police Department continues their investigation into the fatal shooting of a suspected intruder by a homeowner, the deceased's family is offering a different glimpse of the man outside of his criminal arrests.
Juy Gastelo, 30, died from injuries he sustained Monday afternoon after he was shot by a Turlock homeowner. The police department suspects Gastelo had broken into the home when he was shot. The homeowner contacted law enforcement and officers performed CPR on Gastelo until medical personnel arrived and rushed him to a nearby hospital, where he died from his injuries.
Gastelo's sister-in-law Haley Watkins said his life had taken a turn in recent years, leading to a divorce and living apart from his four children.
"He had four beautiful children and an open heart. He was a loving person and had a contagious smile," said Watkins.
Gastelo was born in Turlock and attended Roselawn High School. He worked for his family and was raised with the woman who would become his wife, Watkins said. The couple divorced about a year ago, Watkins said.
In 2015 and this year, Gastelo accumulated several arrests, including some for drug possession and theft.
Watkins said Gastelo's death has hit the family hard.
"I was very shocked," said Watkins about hearing that her brother-in-law was shot and killed breaking into a house. "Almost nine years ago, the man he called dad was murdered for the exact same thing."
Watkins was referring to Gastelo's father-in-law James Watkins II, who was killed during a suspected home invasion robbery in 2008.
James Watkins II and another man kicked open a door of a Turlock shed that had been converted into a bedroom. James Watkins II and the other man were both shot, with the injuries proving fatal for James Watkins II. One man was living in the shed, but he was not the one to fire the shots. He told police he didn't see who fired the shots, describing it as an "arm" that came around the corner and fired multiple times. The shooter was never identified.