As summer approaches it pays to be mindful of outside water use. Historically, the average residential water use increases beginning in the month of March, as the weather warms and customers turn their automatic sprinkler systems back on.
One of the easiest ways to save water is to make sure not to overwatering lawns and plants. Most of us water more than we need to, which not only wastes water but ends up drowning our plants. Watering for fewer days for the appropriate amount of time will give you healthier plants and use less water.
The City of Turlock has a year round water conservation program, which allows for three days per week for landscape watering and is based on an odd/even watering schedule. However, for many residents, two days per week would provide a sufficient amount of water to sustain a healthy landscape.
Citizens are encouraged to conserve water whenever possible, and to realize there is never an excuse to waste this precious resource. Utilities staff respond to complaints regarding over watering. Seasonally, staff patrols all neighborhoods in Turlock to educate consumers about water conservation.
For more information on water efficient landscaping and irrigation, here are a few great sources:
Water Conservation Tip #2
Need help setting your sprinkler timer? The City of Turlock can help! Call 209.668.5590 to have a representative come out and assist you with setting the timer and determining a water-efficient irrigation schedule.
— Brought to you by the City of Turlock Municipal Services Department