Name of business: Ann's Fish & Chips
Type of business: Restaurant
Location: 428 E. Main St., Turlock
Hours of operation: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday
Contact info: 656-9494
History of business: Owners Teresa and Rick Donnelly did not grown up in the land of the queen and Big Ben but they do, however, make a mean order of fish and chips.
Despite being a newcomer to the local food community, Ann’s Fish and Chips is quickly becoming Turlock’s go to spot for authentic England style fish and chips.
“We’ve been hearing a lot of ‘we needed something like this in Turlock,'” said Donnelly. “The reviews have been positive.”
The restaurant was the brainchild of owner Rick Donnelly who, according to wife Teresa, has been around fish and chips his whole life. Rick Donnelly's mother was originally from England and owned and operated five separate fish and chips locations in the Bay Area.
This passion for fish and chips is ingrained in the recipe and can be tasted with every bite of their fresh fried cod. However, prior to opening Ann's Fish & Chips, both Rick and Teresa were a bit reluctant to jump into the restaurant business.
“We’ve always been back and forth,” said Teresa Donnelly.
The building that Ann’s currently occupies was formerly Frost Bakery.
“We just happened to walking one day and saw this place was for lease and went from there,” she said.
Another unique quality about Ann’s is that it is family owned and operated. Literally. All members of the current staff are from the Donnelly family, giving the restaurant a unique home feel.
“We have all the kids helping,” said Teresa Donnelly. “Our sons are cooking and daughters are at the counters"
Business specialty: Ann’s Fish & Chips specializes in well, fish and chips. The freshly fried cod is the hallmark of the business and is served complete with homemade coleslaw. Ann's also offers fried shrimp, scallops and chicken. Those not into meat can try deep fried zucchini, mushrooms and veggie combos.