Kids can make a huge impact with water conservation at home and by helping to encourage change in the way their families, friends and classmates use water. The best way to get children involved is leading by example and practicing water efficient habits at home and around the yard. Consider making a household challenge for who can conserve and/or reuse the most amount of water. Below is a list of easy and fun ideas for kids to practice in order to help reduce the amount of water they use:
1. When washing your hands, don’t leave the water running. Wet your hands and turn the water off. Use soap and lather your hands well, then turn the water on to rinse. Turn off the water and make sure it is off completely. Then dry your hands.
2. Do the same when you brush your teeth. Turn the faucet on to get your toothbrush and toothpaste wet, and then again to rinse your mouth and toothbrush. Don’t leave the water running while you’re brushing.
3. Do you have plants in your house? When fruits and vegetables or other fresh produce are washed, collect that water and use it to water the plants.
4. Put a barrel outdoors to catch rain water. Use the captured water for things like watering plants or flowers.
5. Do you have summer water toys that require a running hose? These might be fun, but they also waste a lot of water. In the summertime, it’s fun to play under the lawn sprinkler. When you do, make sure it’s during the same time as the lawn is being watered.
6. Is there a leaky faucet or toilet in the bathroom at school? Be sure to let someone know so it can be repaired.
There are many useful websites that provide entertaining and educational activities to teach kids about environmental stewardship. Check out the following links with your children to help them learn about the importance of conservation and how they can help:
Brought to you by the City of Turlock Municipal Services Department.
Encourage your kids to sign up for the City of Turlock’s “Team Green” kids club: Visit the Go Green section of the City of Turlock’s website at to sign up for the Team Green kids club. As members, they will receive a packet filled with activity books and prizes and offers the opportunity for young stewards to exchange ideas and information on how to work together to recycle, conserve and preserve the natural resources of our community.