Did you know businesses generate nearly 70% of the solid waste in California? The state has passed two laws that make it mandatory for businesses to recycle. If you are a business owner, are you in compliance?
Mandatory Commercial Recycling (MCR) AB 341 was passed is 2011, and requires all businesses that generate four or more cubic yards of solid waste per week and multifamily dwellings of five or more units to recycle.
Mandatory Organics Recycling (MOR) AB 1826 was passed in 2014, and requires all businesses and multifamily dwellings of five or more units that generate four or more cubic yards of solid waste per week to arrange for organics recycling services.
The Turlock Municipal Code incorporates both AB 341 and AB 1826. You can review the Turlock Municipal Code as it relates to AB 341 and AB 1826 by visiting https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/Turlock/ and referencing the following sections: 6-3-202 Waste containers for businesses and industries and 6-3-211 Collection and disposal: Mandatory service.
For questions or additional information, contact Municipal Services at (209) 668-5590 or visit the City of Turlock website at: www.CityofTurlock.org
Watering landscape areas while raining and/or within 48 hours of measurable rainfall could result in a Notice of Acts Constituting Water Wasting.