A new housing subdivision is set to be reviewed by the Turlock Planning Commission on Thursday, perhaps marking a turnaround in the local housing market.
Although there have been new subdivisions developed in Turlock since the 2008 recession, including the two "Made in America" subdivisions constructed by Fitzpatrick Homes in 2013, new housing developments have been few and sparse since the economic downfall.
According to Turlock Planning Director Debbie Whitmore, the new subdivision, Monte Verde, would consume 17.84 acres in the city's North West Triangle Specific Plan area. Set to bring 109 single family residential homes, the proposed lots will range in size from 4,500 to 12,170 square feet.
The applicant, Florsheim Homes, is requesting a Planned Development to allow for the sound wall proposed along the western portion of Countryside Drive to be set back four feet from the existing 10 foot sidewalk. The subject sites are to be located at W. Tuolumne Road and Countryside Drive, near the Monte Vista Crossing shopping center.
During the meeting, the Planning Commission is also set to receive a comprehensive update of the city's zoning regulations, reviewing the major amendments that will be sent forward to the City Council for consideration. Major changes include regulations on accessory structures such as utility garages and storage sheds, off-street parking and loading regulations, nonconforming structures and uses, wireless communications, insurance requirements for outdoor dining establishments, and changes to the downtown overlay district.
As part of the changes to the downtown district, the commissioners will continue their review of downtown mobile food facilities, determining their final recommendation to be made to the City Council as to whether or not food trucks would be allowed in the downtown core. The Planning Commission did not make a final decision during its February meeting, as the members wanted to extend the period for public comment, giving the opportunity for community members to voice their opinions on the food truck ban in Turlock's downtown.
On Thursday, the Planning Commission is also expected to:
• Review StanCOG's draft expenditure plan for a countywide transportation sales tax;
• Receive information on a Regional Transportation Plan, including a Sustainable Communities strategy, developed by StanCOG. A public hearing on the plan will be held at 6 p.m. on April 14 at City Hall;
• Assess a grant application submitted by city staff for the State Sustainable Communities Planning Grant program to initiate a new master plan, zoning regulations and implementation program for the downtown planning area.
The Planning Commission will meet at 6 p.m. on Thursday at City Hall, located at 156 S. Broadway Avenue.
Planning to consider new housing development near Monte Vista Crossings