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Newcomers vie for open council seats
Franco seeking city treasurer position
Monez, Franco and Bublak
Council member Rebecka Monez, Vice Mayor Pam Franco and Mayor Amy Bublak sit together at the State of the City event on July 18. The City Council may look very different come 2025 as Franco is not seeking reelection for the District 4 seat this November and Monez has yet to pull papers for the District 2 seat (CANDY PADILLA/The Journal).

With just over two weeks until the incumbent filing deadline to be placed on the November election, Turlock’s city council could have a drastic new makeup.

Vice-mayor Pam Franco, who represents District 4 on the council, will not seek reelection to that post, but will instead run for city treasurer. 

Meanwhile, District 2 councilmember Rebecka Monez has yet to file papers with the city clerk, which would indicate her intention to run. She has until Aug. 9 to do so.

Monez could not be reached for comment about her plans.

Community activist Milt Trieweiler, a staple at the bi-weekly council meetings, has filed to seek Monez’s seat. At this point, he is the lone District 2 entrant.

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Former Pittsburg, Calif. mayor Frank Aiello, and Ericka Phillips have filed to enter the District 4 race.

Franco said that her family has grown in size over the past four years, moving to other counties, states and even other countries. Because of this, she thinks it’s time to reassess.

“I put my family and friends behind my council duties because that was the oath I took,” said Franco, who was elected in 2020. “I have enjoyed my time on the council and will continue to do my very best until someone else is sworn into the District 4 seat at the dais. That said, it is time for me to take on a different role. One that allows me more flexibility with my time.”

Franco said she is proud of what she’s helped accomplish on the city council.

“When I ran, I wanted to focus on four main things:  funding full staffing and equipping the police and fire departments; bringing stability to the city’s finances; repair roads; and spend Measure A money wisely, if it passed. We have done each of these. … It has made a difference.”

Franco said she would not have filed for the treasurer position if current treasurer Diana Lewis chose to seek reelection. Lewis has not filed papers to run in the upcoming election.

“She let me know she was not seeking reelection and she gave me her blessing to run for the position,” said Franco. “Diana Lewis has been an outstanding treasurer for many years and deserves our appreciation for a job well done. I decided to run for treasurer to continue caring for the financial well-being of the city of Turlock. It is a vital role for the city, but one that does not require specific meeting days and times or committee assignments. The time freedom will allow me to both care for my family and care for the city.”

Franco said she’s sad to be leaving the council at the end of the year, but knew the time was right for her exit.

“I guess I could have run for a second council term and just put in the minimum amount of time, but that is just not me,” said Franco. “I couldn’t be elected to another term and not give 100 percent. That’s just not my style.

“There are always items on our to-do lists that we don’t get finished.  I know I have many left on mine, but I trust the next council to continue what we started.”