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Local legislators applaud Brown's call for water bond, question fiscal prudence
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During the State of the State Address on Wednesday, key elements of the state’s long-term water plan were laid out, as Gov. Jerry Brown renewed his call for Californians to conserve water.

Gov. Brown also highlighted some of the state’s successes, including what he believes to be “California’s comeback” as the state experienced higher levels of economic stability than in years prior.

“This year, Californians have a lot to be proud of. For a decade, budget instability was the order of the day. A lethal combination of national recession, improvident tax cuts and too much spending created a financial sink hole that defied every effort to climb out,” said Brown. “But three years later, here we are – with state spending and revenues solidly balanced, and more to come.”

Lawmakers across the state responded to Gov. Brown’s remarks on Wednesday, including local legislators Senator Anthony Cannella (R-Ceres) and Assemblymember Kristin Olsen (R-Modesto).

“The Governor’s message of fiscal prudence would be inspiring, if not for this persistence of High Speed Rail and the Bay Delta Conservation Plan,” said Olsen. “It is irresponsible to continue wasting taxpayer dollars on projects like High Speed Rail that have no viable business plan and no connection to the real needs in the San Joaquin Valley.”

Cannella, who applauded Brown on the Governor’s Local Control Funding Formula, echoed the Brown's call for a water bond, saying that the state must invest in its water system infrastructure.

“I’m pleased that the Governor is going to work this year on helping get water where it is needed most,” said Cannella. “As we face the driest year in our state’s history, water is my top concern and I look forward to working with the Governor and my colleagues in the Legislature on the water bond. More storage and greater access to clean water must be a priority.”

Additionally, Cannella emphasized the need for a strong “rainy day fund” during surplus years to address the state’s unfunded liabilities.

“It is a great disservice to Californians to use temporary tax funds that we are currently bringing in on programs that will require ongoing funding,” said Cannella. “Fiscal discipline and spending restraint are crucial to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.”

During his State of the State address, Gov. Brown vowed to establish a solid rainy day fund to help maintain the state’s fiscal stability, while committing to paying down state debt and “remembering the lessons of history.”

To view the Governor’s full remarks, visit