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LEGISLATIVE ROUNDUP: Duarte advocates for aviation bill
John Duarte
Rep. John Duarte of Hughson

Rep. John Duarte, R-Hughson, who represents California’s 13th congressional district, on Thursday announced his support for the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation (SGRLAA) Act, which aims to strengthen the nation's aviation infrastructure, modernizing air traffic control systems, and prioritizing passenger safety.

“I am thrilled to support the FAA reauthorization bill," said Rep. Duarte, a member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. "This legislation is a testament to what we can achieve when we work together across party lines for the betterment of our nation.”

One of the notable provisions championed by Rep. Duarte is the establishment of a comprehensive feedback system for flyer experience, which will empower travelers to share their insights and suggestions directly with the FAA, enabling the agency to better understand the needs and expectations of those who rely on our aviation system.

“If you can review a restaurant, you should be able to review a federal agency,” said Duarte. “Creating a robust feedback system is crucial for ensuring that the flyer experience remains at the forefront of our priorities. By actively listening to the voices of the traveling public, we can work towards solutions that improve safety, efficiency, and overall customer satisfaction.


SB 589 one step closer to governor’s desk

Senate Bill 589, This significant legislation is specifically designed to prioritize foster youth disaster relief, unanimously passed out of the Assembly’s Human Services Committee, according to State Sen. Marie Alvarado-Gil, D-Jackson, who represents California’s 4th District.

SB 589 establishes a statewide Foster Youth Disaster Response Fund to provide for the needs of youth in foster care and their caregivers, including transportation, interim housing, and replacement of essential belongings. Natural disasters pose unique challenges for foster youth and their caregivers. Without critical support, stable living situations for foster youth can be disrupted, leading to further trauma and instability.

Senator Alvarado-Gil stressed the importance of SB 589, especially during times of crisis. 

“The Foster Youth Disaster Relief bill will guarantee that we possess the essential resources to tend to the immediate needs of children and youth in foster care,” the freshman legislator said.

Susanna Kniffen, Policy Director for Children Now, praised the senator’s efforts to fight for this legislation.

“Children and youth in foster care truly appreciate all of Senator Alvarado-Gil's efforts to ensure a dedicated statewide Child Welfare Disaster Response Fund is available after a devastating wildfire or flood,” Kniffen said. “In the weeks and months following a natural disaster, youth and their caregivers often feel alone in confronting distinct challenges and heartbreaking choices and struggle to rebuild their lives. Thanks to Senator Alvarado-Gil, we are closer than ever to making sure California takes care of them when they need it the most.”