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Go Green Week 2020
go Green week

The City of Turlock is less than one month away from Go Green Week 2020! Go Green Week will take place March 9-13. This will be the 12th year the City has highlighted ‘green’ activities throughout the week.   

Every year, the youth of Turlock get to participate in Go Green Week through their schools. The City arranges fun, educational and eco-friendly presenters and activities for the students to participate in to learn more about “going green” and its benefits. Some of the activities include: Tours of Turlock Recycling Center, tours of Turlock’s Wastewater Treatment Plant, presentations from Turlock Transit Center about energy efficient city busses and more. 

The students also participate in a recycling contest and t-shirt design contest throughout the week. 

The City of Turlock is looking forward to partnering with Turlock Unified School District and all of the participating vendors who make Go Greek Week such a success. Stay tuned for more updates about Go Green Week 2020 on our social media pages.

For questions or additional information, please contact Municipal Services at (209) 668-5590 or visit the City of Turlock website at: Brought to you by the City of Turlock Municipal Services Department.



Winter Watering Schedule is still in effect until the end of February — be sure your sprinklers are set accordingly. Even numbered addresses can water only on Saturdays. Odd numbered addresses can water only on Sundays. Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.