The development group for the anticipated Ten Pin Fun Center is getting a refund of a little more than $400,000 from the city because of rezoning at the W. Monte Vista Avenue and Crowell Road site.
The Turlock City Council approved a motion Tuesday night to refund Genesis Family Enterprises $267,197 paid in Neighborhood Park Land Fees and $133,599 in Community Park Land Fees.
The development group had been paying the fees because the parcel was designated a “High Density Residential” zone.
In February 2011, the City Council adopted a resolution to rezone the area to “Planned Development,” which meant the developers were relieved of their previous obligation to pay the park fees.
The Ten Pin Fun Center was approved in 2010. The plans for the 52,000 square-foot facility included a bowling alley, an arcade, an area for laser tag, bocce ball courts, and a sports bar and grill. The plan has yet to break ground because of a lack of funding.
The Planning Commission has approved a Prime Shine Car Wash for one of the 5,000 square-foot outlying parcels.
Also on Tuesday the City Council:
• Approved a motion by a 4-1 vote to pay $15,000 in attorney fees to settle a lawsuit brought by the California Clean Energy Committee. The lawsuit alleged the city’s General Plan was not in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and did not do enough to protect the area’s farmland. The lone dissenting vote was cast by Councilmember Amy Bublak.
• Authorized the City Engineer to file a notice of completion for the Angelus Street Waterline Replacement project after acknowledging a contract change that saved the city a little more than $19,000. The total project cost $160,532.
• Approved the purchase of five new Chevrolet pickups from Smith Chevrolet Cadillac to replenish the Parks, Recreations and Facilities Division and Municipal Services Department fleet.
• Agreed to amend the grant application submitted by the Turlock Police Department to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District for the purchase of four electric scooters and four hybrid plug-in vehicles.