The City’s website offers many user-friendly tools and valuable information to help customers with their own conservation efforts at home. Visit to check out the following list of resources that are available.
RESIDENTIAL WATER USE ONLINE MONITORING TOOL: City of Turlock utility customers can monitor their water consumption online, as well as compare usage to similar homes in their neighborhood. Water consumption for the previous 12 months is available to gauge water use throughout the year.
HOME WATER SURVEY KIT: Order a free DIY water survey kit to help determine efficient water use in the home. The kit includes information and tools on how to detect leaks, tips on low water-use landscaping and how to irrigate your landscape efficiently, and water saving devices such as aerators and low-flow showerheads.
HIGH EFFICIENCY APPLIANCE REBATES: Download an application for a rebate for the purchase of high-efficiency toilets and/or clothes washers. Rebates are available for up to $75 per toilet and $100 per clothes washer.
WATER CONSERVATION TIPS FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE HOME: The website offers numerous tips and suggestions for water conservation, both indoors and outside the home.
REPORT WATER WASTE: Residents can report observed water wasting activities online.
RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL RECYCLED WATER USE APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION COURSE: The City of Turlock operates a recycled water fill station for residents and businesses in and around the City of Turlock to utilize for landscape irrigation. Those interested in obtaining recycled water can download the application and access the required certification course from the City’s website.
ONLINE CONSERVATION WORKSHOPS: The City offers an online water conservation class that allows customers reduce their fine for water wasting and excessive use violations.
ONLINE AND AUTOMATED BILL PAYMENT: Customers have the convenience of paying their utility bill online or can elect to have automatic payments deducted each month from their credit card.
Visit the City’s website to view these and other useful resources available to help you become more water efficient at: Brought to you by the City of Turlock Municipal Services Department.
Summer Watering Schedule: Effective March 1 through Oct. 31, even numbered homes may water on Tuesdays and Saturdays, and odd numbered homes may water Wednesdays and Sundays. Allowed watering times are before 9 a.m. and after 7 p.m.