The City of Turlock has partnered with Token Transit to provide a mobile ticketing option for individuals using Turlock Transit fixed route or Dial-a-Ride services. This new fare option is currently available for individuals with mobile devices who download the free Token Transit app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Within a few minutes users can set up an account, add a debit, pre-paid debit or credit card for purchases, then buy passes that will remain in their digital wallet until they are activated for use. There is no surcharge for purchasing passes and un-activated passes do not expire. Using a pass is as easy as opening the app, pressing on the pass image to activate it, then tapping the phone on the Token Transit validator. A validator will be on top of each farebox and will beep and flash a green (regular fare), blue (discount fare) or orange (student fare) light to the bus driver to indicate a valid fare.
“With Token Transit our passengers will have access to the same pass choices, but in a digital format that we hope many riders will find more convenient and easier to use,” said Wayne York, Transit Manager for the City of Turlock. “In addition, since Modesto Area Express (MAX) also uses Token Transit, it makes it easier for passengers transferring between systems to use the same app and digital wallet to store passes for both systems. We’re leveraging technology to attract new riders and make using transit even easier.”
Users will have access to all of the same traditional fare options, as well as some additional fixed route fare choices only available with Token Transit. These additional fare choices include a 20-Trip pass for regular, discount, and student users, as well as reduced Single Trip and Day Passes for students, who currently only have a 31-Day reduced-cost pass option.
Turlock Transit will continue to accept cash, coin, and magnetic stripe media passes on buses. Printed passes can be purchased during normal business hours at the Finance Division at Turlock City Hall (156 S. Broadway) or the ticket window at the Roger K. Fall Transit Center (1418 N. Golden State Blvd.). Printed passes for regional transit services are available only at the Transit Center.
The purchase of the electronic validators was funded entirely through transit grant funding. No General Fund monies were used. There are no reoccurring costs charged to the City for using the system. Instead, Token Transit deducts a portion (10 percent) of each transaction and that amount covers their costs. The remaining 90 percent is provided monthly to the City via direct deposit. The City anticipates that this will result in an overall net revenue gain over time as new riders are attracted to the convenience and affordability of transit.
For more information on this new mobile ticketing service, visit the Turlock Transit website at To download the Token Transit app, text “TOKEN” to 41411 for a download link or visit