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Alanis to honor family of girl named in youth sports safety act
Nevaeh Youth Sports Act
Assemblyman Juan Alanis' Nevaeh Youth Sports Safety Act is named after Nevaeh Johnson was 10 years old when she collapsed at a youth sports practice in Waterford on Aug. 15, 2022.

Prior to the kick-off of the Saturday’s “Black & Blue Bowl” youth football game between the Hughson and Waterford youth football programs, Assemblymember Juan Alanis (R-Modesto) will present a framed copy of Assembly Bill 1467 to the family of Neveah Johnson.

AB 1467, referred to as the Nevaeh Youth Sports Safety Act, requires youth sports organizations across the state to provide their athletes with access to an automated external defibrillator during official practices and matches. The bill passed unanimously out of both chambers of the state legislature and was signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom on June 29.

“This is a solemn moment to honor a very special young women after a tragedy took place on this very campus a year ago,” said Alanis, serving his first term in the lower chamber. “Neveah’s name will live on forever, enshrined in a law that will go toward ensuring kids playing sports all over California will have lifesaving tools regardless of where they are playing.”

Ten-year-old Nevaeh collapsed at a youth athletics practice in Waterford on Aug. 15, 2022. At the time, coaches and others around her were unaware she was suffering a brain aneurysm and that her heart had stopped. Despite the attempts to resuscitate her through CPR, Nevaeh did not regain consciousness and died a few days later.  Her family believes that if additional lifesaving tools like a working AED had been available, she might have survived.
“When Neveah’s family came to my office back in December and asked us to author a law in Nevaeh’s name, I was honored to say yes,” said Alanis. “As a father and grandfather, myself, I cannot express in words how proud and honored I am to get to present this fitting tribute for Nevaeh.”
Alanis will present a signed copy of the Neveah Youth Sports Safety Act to Neveah’s mother, Tiana Johnson, on the Waterford High School Football Field prior to the kick-off of a youth game. The Waterford team would have been Neveah’s team this season.
Staff from the office of Assemblymember Heath Flora (R-Ripon) also will be on hand to attend the festivities, which are slated to get under way at 6 p.m. at Waterford High School, 121 S. Reinway Ave.