Turlock’s Carnegie Arts Center is celebrating its 10th anniversary season through the summer of 2022, and is asking the community to consider the regional center when thinking about their final donations of 2021.
Following the fires in 2005 and several years of planning and construction, the redesigned and revitalized CAC opened its doors to the public on Sept. 10, 2011. For the past 10 years, the CAC has welcomed and served the community as a space to learn about and enjoy art, music, dance, theater, poetry and film.
As part of this year-long celebration, the CAC’s anniversary committee is seeking donations to help boost the center’s Endowment Fund. These funds, now over $2M in assets, provide revenue from investment activity that helps the CAC balance and advance its budget each year. The fund itself goes on in perpetuity, providing a secure future for the continued activities of the arts center.
The goal for the 10th Anniversary is to add another $50,000 to the fund during the 2021-2022 season.
As part of the Carnegie’s fundraising efforts, works by local artists Vicente Rosales and Monique Wales are available for donors.

“To get everyone excited about the Endowment Fund during our anniversary year, we have commissioned unique, limited edition works by two talented regional artists that are ‘thank you’ gifts for Endowment Fund donors at $1,000 or more,” said CAC director Lisa McDermott. “Both artists used their talents to celebrate the Carnegie’s beautiful buildings, old and new.”
The Carnegie offers fun activities for families in the coming week, including “Make It: Mornings” on Dec. 29 and 31. Drop-in between 10 a.m. and noon for a fun New Year’s themed art activity. On Dec. 29, stop by to decorate a festive crown for your New Year’s celebration and on Dec. 31, drop-in to make a celebratory cracker to welcome the New Year. It is $5 per maker.
Donations received by Dec. 31 will be fully tax deductible for the 2021 tax year, but McDermott says the Endowment Campaign will be ongoing throughout 2022 as well. McDermott said she welcomes questions from potential donors to the Endowment and is happy to provide more details. She can be reached by email: admin@carnegieartsturlock.org.
Donations in any amount can be made through the CAC website, carnegieartsturlock.org. Click on the DONATE button at the top of the home page. Donors can also give in person, by mail (sent to 250 N. Broadway, Turlock, CA 95380) or by phone (209-632-5761, x104).