Turlock FFA students have a lot to be proud of for their summer fair activities. From the early days to the long nights of hard work, Turlock FFA members were exhilarated to find out that they had won the John Thurman award. The Thurman award is given to the FFA chapter that has the most points out of all exhibits over the two-week span of the Stanislaus County Fair. Students of Turlock FFA, motivated by their leaders to work together and accomplish their goals, ended up going home more motivated and determined to work harder than before to keep progressing in their exhibits.
All exhibitors were able to see their hard work, dedication, and passion for their exhibits pay off.
In the Dairy division Turlock FFA had 42 exhibitors. Elizabete Neves won Champion Jersey Bull. Alexia Nunes won FFA Reserve Campion Cow, Grade Jr Champion Heifer, FFA Reserve Grand Champion Dairy Female, 1st Place Advanced Dairy Showmanship, 3rd Place Master Showmanship, and Outstanding FFA Dairy Exhibitor. Morgan Nunes had FFA Champion Cow, FFA Grand Champion Dairy Female, 2nd Place Advanced Dairy Showmanship, and FFA Supreme Champion Dairy Female. Lilly Coville won 2nd Place FFA True Novice Showmanship. Audrey Duyxel won 1st Place Freshman Showmanship. The Dairy group received 2nd Place Registered Chapter Group, 1st Place Replacement Heifer Chapter Group, 1st Place Grade Chapter Group, and 1st Place Clean Barn.
In the Horticulture Exhibit, Turlock FFA had 26 students exhibited floral, ornamental horticulture, and agriculture horticulture. Elizabete Neves won Outstanding Ag Horticulture exhibitor entries. The outstanding exhibitor for Ornamental Horticulture was Makenzie Neves.
In Breeding Meat Goats, Sophomore Josh Teixeira earned 3rd in advanced showmanship.
In Meat Goats, Turlock FFA had eight exhibitors. Senior Makenzie Neves had Supreme Champion and Champion AOB dairy goats. Junior Lexie Nunes received dairy goat outstanding exhibitor, and Junior Megan Silveira won 3rd in Meat Goat showmanship.
In Sheep, Turlock FFA had seven exhibitors, who received first and seconds in their market class.
In Swine, Sergio Lopez had Grand Champion Market Hog, and Michael Fleck won was the True Novice Showmanship winner.
In Beef, there were five exhibitors. Megan Silveira won FFA Reserve Champion Market Steer, FFA Advanced Showmanship 2nd Place, and Outstanding Beef Exhibitor. The beef group received 1st place in Market Beef Chapter group.
In Rabbits, there were 10 exhibitors. Madison Carlos won Outstanding Rabbit Exhibitor and 1st place Freshman Showmanship. Maddy Dixon won 5th place True Novice Showmanship, and Tommy Karl won 6th True Novice Showmanship. Brock Riggs won Best of Breed and Best Opposite for Silver Martens. The rabbit group received 1st pace in Clean Barn.
In Poultry there were four Exhibitors. Arthur Silveria won Outstanding Poultry Exhibitor and Best of Show Waterfowl.
In Ag Mechanics there were 150 exhibitors from Turlock FFA . Austin Silva won Outstanding Ag Mechanics Exhibit, Proficiency in Welding Award, and Outstanding Ag Mechanics Exhibitor. Justin Serpa won Most Interesting Contrivance Award and Outstanding Safety Device Award. Ag Mechanics Chapter Group won 1st place and the Ag Mechanics Chapter Sweepstakes Award
For the California State Fair Agricultural Mechanics, there were six exhibitors from Turlock FFA. Austin Silva won Outstanding Exhibitor, Best of Show Exhibit, and Best of Division in the project category above $10,000. Justin Serpa won Outstanding Welding Exhibit. Kristofer Melgard won Best of Division for projects ranging $7,500 to $10,000. Kyle Silva won Best of Division $750 to $2,500. The Ag mechanics group at State Fair received 1st place in Chapter Group and Instructor Sweepstakes.