After a two-year hiatus, the Pitman High School Assyrian-American Club once again was able to host an Assyrian New Year event for the public to help ring in the year 6772.
Members of the club gave presentations on Assyrian history, culture, foods and language during the event held Wednesday at the Assyrian-American Civic Club in Turlock.

Assyrian New Year was the biggest festival in the ancient Assyrian and Babylonian Empires. It started on March 21, which was the first day on the month (Nissan) and beginning of the New Year for the Assyrian calendar. In Assyria this festival was the most important event of the year. People from all over the Empire came to either the political capital, Nineveh or the religious capital, Babylon and participated in the celebration. After the Assyrians converted to Christianity in the first century and the Gregorian calendar was established in the Christian world, the Assyrians also accepted the new calendar and they moved their New Year from March 21 to April 1.

“The whole purpose of having this event is to educate people about the culture, the history of the Assyrian people. We have a long history; it's ancient history, and we're proud to share that with everyone else. And what I'm really happy about is that the Assyrian-American Club at Pitman is not only for Assyrians, but it's open to everybody. And that's what makes it such a great organization and so successful because if we share our history, our culture, our food, our dances with everyone, we learn about them, they learn about us,” said Pitman teacher and Assyrian-American Club advisor Isaac Farhadian.

Special guests at the New Year event included Turlock Mayor Amy Bublak, Police Chief Jason Hedden, TUSD Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Heidi Lawler and Alex Kurkal, UC Merced Assyrian-American Club President.
This event also marked the changing of officers for the Pitman club.
“The turnout was great,” said club president Enlil Ishaya. “I just want to thank again Isaac Farhadian for everything he does as our trustee and advisor. It was amazing, and I'm very glad that this happened. We had a lot of students from Pitman come who aren’t Assyrian and it just turned out to be a great event.”
— Pawan Naidu contributed to this report.